Our last show was today. It’ll feel good to go home, if only to have a day off more than anything. I could keep going, honestly, and rather enjoy myself touring. It’s been really weird being away from Point of Grace for two weeks – I called them a few times to chat, since I was curious as to how their first two services without me went. I really missed the people from Celebrate Recovery – Deb and Don and all the worship team, and all the kids. it’ll be nice to be back running sound and lights for them Celebrate Recovery.
I’d upload some more photos if I could, but the internet connection in the bus is exceedingly slow, and therefore any sort of high-bandwidth operation is out of the question. If the hotel has free wifi (And most hotels tend not to.) I will upload some of the better pictures from the tour. I’ve found out that my cheap $150 digital camera doesn’t take great pictures in the dark, even with the settings adjusted for the low-light conditions. Oh well.
Pretty much all of the concerts have gone wonderfully…of course, there are challenges at every venue (Tonight, about fifty percent of our help was fourteen and under teenaged boys, who’s egos tend to write checks that their muscles can’t cash.), and of course, all rooms have various undesirable elements. (Like painted bricks, which reflect sound like a mirror.) The band is great to work with, and all the opening bands are made up of some really nice people.
Anyways, my flight for Des Moines leaves tomorrow at around 10:00, so I shall be getting some sleep now.
Exit, stage left.