Today we begin packing for our honeymoon to Yellowstone and Glacier National Parks.
This is exciting on a few levels. Of course, there’s the general grandeur and unsurpassed beauty of Yellowstone and Glacier, and then there’s the time away from The Dungeon Apartment in Nashville, and also the joy of spending some quality time with Em. I’m not kidding about our apartment. I hate it. There are all of two windows in the living room, and only one faces any sort of open space, and Em generally prefers to keep the windows closed, which I hate. The office is a bit better, but not much, and so I tend to spend a lot of time there.
I’ve been spending lots of effort on updating the company website lately, making everything CSS-driven, and updating the visual look so it doesn’t look like it was made in 1992, with the blues and grays. The new one is still a work in progress – I have some difficult PHP stuff to accomplish that I probably won’t be able to do alone, so when all this is done I’ll owe Pixel a visit to help him hang drywall or replace the toilets or something. Not that I mind – on my last visit to Iowa we spend a few days clearing out the “studio” space – there is no attic, it just…roof. Dirty work to be sure, but gratifying. I also had fun teaching Elise the basics of driving – she’s 12 now, and so we went out to Saylorville to an empty parking lot and I let her drive the Impala around for a little while.
Packing? Yes. I should totally get to that.
Exit, stage left.